
ハッピーカム 4月号 歯科衛生士渡辺ご挨拶 特別編

















ハッピーカム2019年 4月号 歯科衛生士セミナー編



2月11日 藤田と井口は、コンポジットレジン充填のスペシャリスト青島徹児先生の講習に参加しました。加齢による歯の色彩や成状の変化に対応した審美的充填の世界は、鳥肌が立つほど繊細で美しく、そのテクニックや解剖学的背景を明快に伝える話は、非常に有意義で、明日からやってみたいという気持ちにさせてくれました!

Regarding American Dental association announcement about film”Root cause)

ADA(American Dental association)president announced about film “Root cause”

The film is based on research conducted in the 1920s that was later disproved.

Decades of research shows that there is no valid, scientific link between endodontically-treated teeth and cancer or any chronic diseases.

Many of researches have proven there are no association with cancer and infection of the tooth.

see showed below a letter from ADA president Dr.Jeffery M Cole.

Fellow dentists:

As members of a science-based organization, I’m sure you find misleading “scientific claims” as frustrating as I do. The latest piece of misinformation to catch the ADA’s attention is a film entitled Root Cause, which is hosted on Netflix and several other platforms. This film alleges root canals are linked to numerous medical issues—a claim that has been disproven by decades’ worth of peer-reviewed, scientific evidence.

Fortunately, the film has thus far failed to generate much attention from the general public or the media. Please know that if you view the film, if only to see the misguided premise, you are increasing its viewership number and conveying an inflated sense of interest in the film.

The ADA is working with the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) and the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) to counter the long-disproven claims made in the film, while being cautious not to bring additional, undeserved attention to the film. We have co-authored a letter from our three organizations pointing out that offering this film does a disservice to the public because it helps to spread fear-based misinformation and speculation that is not supported by medical evidence.

If your patients ask you about the safety of root canals in general or as a result of this film, here are some suggested talking points:
• Approximately 25 million new endodontic treatments, including root canals, are performed safely and effectively each year.
• Root canal treatment eliminates bacteria from an infected tooth, prevents reinfection of the tooth, and saves the natural tooth.
• Endodontic treatment is often the best option for a patient with an infected tooth, allowing the person to keep their tooth, continue to eat normally, and maintain their natural smile.
If you are specifically asked about the premise of the film Root Cause, here are additional suggested talking points:
• The film is based on research conducted in the 1920s that was later disproved.
• Decades of research shows that there is no valid, scientific link between endodontically-treated teeth and cancer or any chronic diseases.
• You can learn more about root canals and endodontics at MouthHealthy.org, which is the American Dental Association’s website for the public (or you can hand patients this ADA brochure. Use the promo code 19403E to save 15 percent on all ADA Catalog products until May 3).
Please know that the ADA, AAE and AADR are shining a light on the safety of root canal treatment and the importance of peer-reviewed, scientific evidence, in order to better serve you, our members and the patients that you serve.

Jeffrey M. Cole, D.D.S., M.B.A.
American Dental Association

ハッピーカム 米国歯科医師会アナウンスメント

最近、Netflixやyoutubeで”Root cause”と題した歯の根の治療後の歯と全身の癌の関連を謳うビデオが米国で広まり、それについてADA(米国歯科医師会)AAE(米国歯内療法学会)AADR(米国歯科リサーチ学会)が共同でアナウンスメントを出す事態になっています。これらの学会は、10年に亘る研究で歯の感染と全身の癌に関しては相関がない事。また治療そのものはむしろ感染を除去するものとして、反証しています。今後このような偽りの情報が翻訳されて本邦にも届くかとは、思いますが、根拠のない情報(フェイク)には、くれぐれもお気をつけ下さい。下記は米国歯科医師会会長ジェフリー M コール先生が会員に当てたメールの全文です。(英語)

ADA, AAE and AADR Take Action on Root Canal Film

Fellow dentists:

As members of a science-based organization, I’m sure you find misleading “scientific claims” as frustrating as I do. The latest piece of misinformation to catch the ADA’s attention is a film entitled Root Cause, which is hosted on Netflix and several other platforms. This film alleges root canals are linked to numerous medical issues—a claim that has been disproven by decades’ worth of peer-reviewed, scientific evidence.

Fortunately, the film has thus far failed to generate much attention from the general public or the media. Please know that if you view the film, if only to see the misguided premise, you are increasing its viewership number and conveying an inflated sense of interest in the film.

The ADA is working with the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) and the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) to counter the long-disproven claims made in the film, while being cautious not to bring additional, undeserved attention to the film. We have co-authored a letter from our three organizations pointing out that offering this film does a disservice to the public because it helps to spread fear-based misinformation and speculation that is not supported by medical evidence.

If your patients ask you about the safety of root canals in general or as a result of this film, here are some suggested talking points:
• Approximately 25 million new endodontic treatments, including root canals, are performed safely and effectively each year.
• Root canal treatment eliminates bacteria from an infected tooth, prevents reinfection of the tooth, and saves the natural tooth.
• Endodontic treatment is often the best option for a patient with an infected tooth, allowing the person to keep their tooth, continue to eat normally, and maintain their natural smile.
If you are specifically asked about the premise of the film Root Cause, here are additional suggested talking points:
• The film is based on research conducted in the 1920s that was later disproved.
• Decades of research shows that there is no valid, scientific link between endodontically-treated teeth and cancer or any chronic diseases.
• You can learn more about root canals and endodontics at MouthHealthy.org, which is the American Dental Association’s website for the public (or you can hand patients this ADA brochure. Use the promo code 19403E to save 15 percent on all ADA Catalog products until May 3).
Please know that the ADA, AAE and AADR are shining a light on the safety of root canal treatment and the importance of peer-reviewed, scientific evidence, in order to better serve you, our members and the patients that you serve.

Jeffrey M. Cole, D.D.S., M.B.A.
American Dental Association


寒い日が続く中、皆様におかれましてはいかがお過ごしでしょうか?藤田歯科医院では、この年度末に(3月末)に誠に残念ではありますが、歯科衛生士 渡邊真弓が婚姻に伴う生活環境の変化(転居)もあり退職することとなりました。勤続16年にわたって藤田歯科医院を支え、また患者さんのメインテナンス、予防業務を、行い予防重視の方針を見事に貫いてもらいました。ひとえに感謝の念にたえません。新しい門出の良いスタートを願うばかりです。また4月からは、かねてより産休中の歯科衛生士 湊まゆみが復帰いたします。従いまして4月からは、堀之内、湊、昨年11月より当医院勤務の平田の3名がメインテナンス、歯科衛生業務に執務します。歯科医師は、従来通り藤田、井口2名で執務しますのでよろしくお願いいたします。




ハッピーカム 1月号忘年会編


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ハッピーカム 1月号 充填材料編



ハッピーカム 12月号その3 福岡コンサート編
